Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving!

This year I have much to be thankful for.

I'll start with the new baby in our family, 2 weeks early but definitely not premature. I'm thankful that mother and daughter came through the ordeal and both are doing well and are healthy.

I'm thankful for my Dear Husband, who gallantly protects me from the evils of the world (even when they aren't really evils). He is guilty of showering me with random acts of love (yes, he buys flowers, and candy, and he knows when I need a hug) and he wants to shelter me from all the things in the world that make me sad or unhappy.  Sometimes, you have to take your medicine, but its nice to know there's someone standing by with a chaser.

I'm thankful for my children. There are days as a mother where you feel like the birds have left, never to return. This morning at breakfast, I saw a young man who will never leave  his parent's nest and so I choose to be thankful that my baby birds are able to fly.

I'm thankful for my parents - what were they thinking having four children? And I'm so grateful they did. Sisters are a blessing, and there are many days I might not have gotten through without them.

I'm thankful for my gift of imagination. And I'm thankful for my readers who share it with me. I'm humbled by the kind words from the people who have read my stories and grateful for the opportunity to share those words.

I'm thankful for the day job. Through the years, they have provided me with the skills I needed to excel at my job. They have not only encouraged me, but have given me to the opportunity to grow and to be successful.

I'm thankful for my faith (this counts as another thank you to my parents). On those days when you feel you can't stand one more minute of things that can go wrong, I'm grateful for all the blessings in my life that make it "right."

Happy Thanksgiving.

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