Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Coming up for Air

There are times I question my sanity for working the type of day job I do. The stress is tremendous and even crippling at times. The satisfaction for a job well done is always rewarding. However, being inside a pressure cooker does mean that once they take the lid off you can have unpredictable results. Generally speaking, people come exploding out.

And so today I have a day of quiet. Decompression. There's one deadline left to go at the end of April before life returns to something close to normal again. But with the worst deadline in the rearview mirror, baby steps can be taken back toward resuming some of the other aspects of life that necessarily take a back seat.

Today is my designated day to recapture some semblance of sanity, and I spent part of it reading a book. I'm now officially a fan of Tessa Dare. Curled up on the sofa with a cat who demanded that I "sit" and rest in just that spot, I'm already feeling rejuvenated. Battle weary, but no longer explosive. I have a fresh desire to write and recruit new fans of my own. At the end of April I will be attending the Chicago Spring Fling Writer's Conference where I will meet and mingle with others just like me -- and I get to meet another of my favorite authors!

Spring has been a long time coming this year (in fact, it hasn't yet arrived) and yet the sun is coming out. With the worst of the day job behind me, I have a fresh perspective once again. The grass will turn green, the trees will bud, and I will finish Cinda's story!


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