Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Destination: Ercolano

When I wrote my first book, I did massive amounts of research. Pictures, videos, travelogues, books, interviews, I even learned Italian to write a story that took place in Ercolano, Italy - one of the cities buried by Mt. Vesuvius in 79 A.D. (sister city to Pompeii).

A couple of years ago, I finally made the trip to see it live and in person. DH and I went to Naples, did a tour of Pompeii, but our tour to Herculaneum was cancelled, so I never got to see the city that inspired my story. The good news is that all the research I did of Pompeii and Naples paid off (I got it right!), although seeing it was so much more inspiring.

+Matt Kornatz recently took a trip to the Amalfi coast, and he has graciously agreed to share some of his photos with me.

For those of you who have read Touched by the Sun, I hope you enjoy the pictures! I can easily see Dominic and Kira here.

People gathered here to escape the volcano, and died here.

Meters of ash that buried the city.

The new city on top of the buried city - Ercolano/Herculaneum

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