Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Lazy Days of Summer

Wow. Can you believe July is almost over? Summer is nearing an end already. A few short weeks ago, we were looking forward to the summer solstice, the longest day of the year, and I was starting my "sabbatical." Well, the sabbatical is over after this week. Back to life as usual. During my time off, I finished preliminary editing of Epitaph, and the publisher is waiting to read it. I also interviewed some people for the second in the series that Epitaph kicks off, so I'm ready to delve into a new story.

What else did I do during my time off? I read some fun books (and some not so great books). I reconnected with an old friend who is also counting down the end of a leave from work. I've been rebuilding strength and am better than ever! I feel re-energized and I'm looking forward to a writer's conference in Green Bay in a couple of weeks assuming everything continues to go well. (and why wouldn't it?)

Ever have those days where you think everything is going so well, what's the catch? As I look ahead to next week, I can't help but wonder how I'll do upon re-entry. I've established a nice routine during my time off, but now it's time to go back to old routines and hopefully incorporate some of the positive changes I've adopted. One "old" routine I'm looking forward to is reading on the train. That long commute into the city provides prime time for me to catch up on my TBR list.

In case you need to add to your TBR list, +Smashwords is offering a sale through the end of the month--that's the end of this week. Click here to browse titles. Coupons are available at checkout and show beside the price.

So what did you do this summer?

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