Two things I love most about the holidays - spending time with the people I love, and taking time to relax and curl up with a good book during the quiet times.
When I was young, we traveled to Wisconsin for Thanksgiving, or the Wisconsin rellies traveled to us in Illinois. Until the year of the big snow. And then we didn't travel so much anymore. When I started having children of my own, a new tradition grew. I hosted my in-laws or my in-laws hosted us. But children grow and move away. Family dynamics change. Elders pass on. New traditions are born.
Traditions. Some of them don't change.
I love baking, and the holidays provide the perfect excuse to make all my favorite treats. Two years ago, I posted a recipe for Ofenschlupfer, a recipe I discovered while writing Kundigerin 1 - Mist on the Meadow. This recipe has become a new staple in my house, celebrating my German heritage. And then there's the Christmas cookies, a tradition that begins right after Thanksgiving.
What are some of your traditions? The ones that survive despite evolutionary changes? And what new traditions have you begun?
I'm nearly done with my first draft of Kundigerin 2 (tentatively titled Gathering Mist), and one of the first things I do when I finish a novel is pick up a new book to read. Take a break. I'm a chapter or two from the end, and jumping back and forth with the conceptual editing. Then on to technical edits. By Christmas, I should be able to indulge in some binge reading, and I'm already building my TBR pile.
And speaking of reading, I'm running specials on two of my books. The e-book versions of my first two books, Touched by the Sun and Intimate Distance are on sale for just $0.99 for a limited time! Touched by the Sun is the first in the Northwest Suburbs series (stand-alone stories, familiar characters).

To you and your families, Happy Thanksgiving, inviting you to remember those less fortunate and wishing you happy traditions in the weeks to come.