Monday, August 29, 2011

Measuring Sticks

An amazing thing happened to me. I believe I posted on this very blog about a year ago that I re-read my first book, The Treasure of St. Paul, and still enjoyed it even after all these years. Maybe I should rephrase that to say I still enjoyed the story . . .

With the migration to e-books, I took a more critical look at St. Paul and was, quite frankly, horrified at some of the poor writing technique. Chalk it up to being a freshman novel, but I was quite embarrassed. AND SO, instead of pushing it immediately into e-book (for your Kindling or Nook pleasure), I will be taking another pass at it to correct some of the glaring errors in the writing and most likely to answer some of the frequently asked questions about the story. Get ready for the tenth anniversary edition!

It is gratifying to see how far my writing has progressed since that time, and yet disturbing to me to know that something so sloppy actually got published. In the meantime, I'm also still working on Living Canvas.

It has been a busy summer - summer is prime time for my writing endeavors. I'm not going to finish the edits I'd hoped for, but I've got a strong hold of what I'm doing, so I'm confident progress will be made (if a bit slower than I'd anticipated).

Next time I post, I'll give you an excerpt from Living Canvas. In the meantime, for those of you that have read St. Paul, feel free to drop me a line if there's something you think I missed on the first go-round (most-asked question - "What happened to Franco?").

Tchuss . . . A bientot . . . Hasta luego . . .fino a quando ci incontreremo di nuovo

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