In A Christmas Carol, Marley died an unremarkable death, but it was his life that draws the focus. As a miserly sort, he forged a chain of all his misdeeds and his inattention to human need where he might have made a difference. His appearance in the book - his goal - is to convince Scrooge to pay attention. His motivation: there's still time to make a difference in the world. The conflict: Scrooge doesn't/might not believe him. And then, of course, there are the three Christmas ghosts, each of which serve a purpose in Scrooge's life. These ghosts aren't trapped on "the wrong side," but are sent as messengers.
If you were a ghost, what would keep you from moving on? What would send you back among the living? What's your favorite ghost story trope?
Next week -- cover reveal for Epitaph 1!
Happy Thanksgiving to you all. In addition to all my other blessings, I am thankful for the readers who share my journey with me!
I'm not big into paranormal but I really enjoyed the ghosts in the Draycott Abbey series by Christina Skye.