Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Christmas books, already?

 I've been getting notifications for dozens of Christmas books! It isn't even Halloween! I suppose people want to start stockpiling for the weeks ahead, but for me, it's still TOO EARLY.

Okay, now that I got that off my chest...

The autumn leaves are just about done. The colors this year have been outstanding! Brilliant crimsons and sunny yellows and burnt orange. Kind of like taking pictures of snow in the winter, I can't seem to stop taking pictures of the pretty colored trees on my walks when I get out and about. I suppose some of that is because the colors aren't as vivid every year. Sometimes the leaves just die and fall, or sometimes the colors aren't as uniform, so you get more half-and-half trees. Like with the snow. I take pictures because "look how pretty," or "look how deep it's getting." Every snowfall is different (even when it's the same) and every autumn is different.

{clever segue coming up}

And THIS autumn, I've written something a little different (even when it's still kind of the same). Years ago, I wrote a book while traveling through canyon country, but I thought it was too far from what my readers normally expect from me and shelved it. With all this hanging around at home stuff, I pulled it out off the shelf and decided to share it. After all, one of my favorite authors used to change things up regularly, from historical to contemporary and sometimes a little spooky. I'm hoping my readers are willing to take the ride with me. I'm expecting edits for CANYON LEGACY from my editor today. I'm also revisiting my friends in Hillendale and writing the fourth installment in that series.

While you're waiting, if you're looking for a Christmas book, I have two options to consider, one "sweet" - the Hallmark variety of book (WHILE WE WERE SHOPPING) and one steeped in legend with a psychic twist (MIST ON THE MEADOW) - in case you needed a recommendation. 😉


  1. Not a fan of Christmas books, or stores filled with Christmas merchandise before Thanksgiving, much less Halloween. My reading rarely "matches" the holidays. I suppose I'm a Scrooge. The only reason I ever got holiday shopping done early was because my kids' birthdays were in October and November, so as long as I was out ...
    Good luck with the new book. I took a detour from my usual on my last one, too.
