Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Anticipating an October release

While I wait for final comments on DARK SHADOWS, I'm preparing for its launch. Trailers. Graphics. Blurbs. Things like:

While I'm waiting, I'm attempting to get out into the world and addressing all those things that fall by the wayside when I'm hunkered down writing. 

Dear Husband and I went to a festival this past weekend with the intent of sampling a barbecue vendor he has had his eye on for some time. The vendor is in high demand, as evidenced by the fact he was the last booth to open for business (by at least 45 minutes) and still had a very long line. Yes, it was worth the wait. While we were cooling our heels, a chiropractor took the main stage beside the picnic tent and serenaded (maybe I should say "Longfellow Serenaded") us with Neil Diamond songs. Karaoke style. He had the right tone, a decent copycat. We also meandered the Riverwalk where they had craft booths set up for several blocks. Lots of interesting arts and crafts. I passed one booth hawking bookish t-shirts - I was wearing one my daughter made for me, so they figured I might be an easy sale. (I didn't buy any.) There were dog treats and baked goods and farm fresh produce and several Etsy booths selling silver jewelry and monogramed dish towels - free association moment: my mother used to make me dishtowels with crocheted tops to hang from the drawer pulls/oven handles.  I almost bought a couple of those, but knowing I already have more than I will use in the next ten years, I passed. It was a beautiful day to walk along the river with lots of fun things to admire. 

When I came home, I did more research for orthopedic doctors. After years of misdiagnoses and frustration, when I asked my PCP for a recommendation for a chronic condition that is flaring again, he gave me a name that I have zero confidence in based on my past experiences. For that reason, I've been delaying seeking care. I'm happy to report I stumbled upon a doc from the beginning of my orthopedic journey that I would revisit, so that is this week's task - making an appointment/seeing him. Fingers crossed.

Hoping to have copies of the new Elspeth Barclay book, DARK SHADOWS (even as ARCs) for my next in-person appearance on October 6 in Elgin, Illinois at the Gail Borden Public Library. If you're in the area, stop in to say hello!

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