Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Happy New Year!

Here we go again, starting over in a New Year. Like hitting the reset button, except not everything resets. 

Not gonna lie. The weather here has been icky. Gray. Rainy. No sunshine. That makes it hard to keep a sunny disposition. It's too easy to fall into despair for so many reasons, but one thing I've learned over the years is to look on the bright side...

I have a trip coming up to warmer/sunnier climes with friends. Something to look forward to. 

I have ideas percolating on a new book, but progress has been slow. Hoping that reset button gets me back in the groove. I've had lots of distractions -- too many -- but after spending many years juggling the day job and the writing, certainly I can manage the current state of affairs. 

Lab results (yes, there have been health issues) came back with good outcomes. One of the things that reset? The insurance deductible. NOT a positive to have to start over, but with the positive outcome, hopefully I won't be rebuilding those out-of-pocket expenses.

Resolutions? Rather than "make" them, mine are ongoing. I've taken time to enjoy the holidays, and with those behind, I need to jump back into positive routines. 

In order to overcome the gloom and doom it would be so easy to wallow in, I'd love to hear what bright spots you see in the coming year. What's your bright side for the new year?


  1. Happy New Year, Karla. I'm looking forward to two trips this year. Domestic, not international this time.

  2. That definitely sounds like a bright side!
