Wednesday, April 10, 2019

"The Idiot Box"

My husband likes to relax watching television after a long day at work. Me, not so much. With that being said, I sit near him and absorb some of the things he watches, and occasionally add my input into what we should be watching. I'm late coming to the Netflix party, only having joined after Stephen King recommended a series based on one of my favorite books, The Haunting of Hill House. (Great series, by the way, although the last episode had me scratching my head a bit...)

With that being said, yes, there are shows I enjoy watching. For years, I watched Grey's Anatomy (until they killed McDreamy, and then I had to walk away). I like the new show, New Amsterdam, and I've watched This is Us, but it's hard to maintain momentum, and I'm losing interested in that one, too. We have been watching Hallmark movies more frequently while I was working on developing a Hallmark story - a break from the stress and tension that is our everyday life. Yes, you can play drinking games with the plot points, but sometimes you need something soft and upbeat to detract from all the negativity in the world today, something predictable to counterbalance the "say what?" that shows up on Twitter when you aren't expecting it.

More often, I'll read a book while he's watching his shows. There is a list of shows I'd like to see, at least once, but I have a hard time investing my time. I've never seen Game of Thrones. I'd like to see Stranger Things. One of these days...

While I was growing up, television was the "iPhone" of my generation. The thing that distracted people's attention when they should have been doing something else. I sort of like doing "something else."

What shows should I be watching that I shouldn't miss?


  1. My nail tech recommended Grace and Frankie, and Hubster and I watched the first episode. I was surprised that he liked it enough to continue watching even though there are "mushy parts" along with the laugh out loud humor.
    My daughter was an extra in Game of Thrones, but I've never watched it. Don't get HBO, and by the time she was in it, it was well into season 5, and I wasn't going to make that big of an investment.
    I'm hooked on cooking shows like Chopped and Top Chef.

    1. I'd heard about Gracie and Frankie. Have that on my "to watch" list while I'm laid up.
