Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Out and About - Pottawatomie Park

In need of a change of scenery, I took the Big Guy on a river cruise. Now don't get excited, it's a 45 minute ride in a paddle wheel boat half an hour from home in a mostly-shallow river. Still, it was something we hadn't done before, and it was a beautiful day to be on the river. No kitschy tour guides, just us a a couple dozen people sitting on benches watching the jet skis and power boats and kayaks and paddle boarders pass us by - yes, you heard that right. Since the river isn't very deep around here, the boat moves VERY slowly. There is a canned tour recording which occasionally fills you in on what you're passing which is all related to the local community. The local golf course. The local fen area. Boy Scout Island. The nature preserve named after a local philanthropist. Not sure we traveled five miles down (up?) the river, but it was something to do on a summer's day. 

The St. Charles Belle
Great Blue Heron
Paddle boats

The golf course

The watchtower
The pavilion