Wednesday, August 24, 2022

The ghost in the basement

I should probably adopt a Vincent Price tone of voice for this post (hint, I missed the mark when I tried). And speaking of Vincent Price, did anyone else ever see his appearance on the Carol Burnett Show years and years ago where they sat on the stage and had an innocent dinner together while he demonstrated the difference between a normal conversation and one where everything he said took on a different aspect when he turned down the lights and changed his tone of voice? (Does anyone know who Vincent Price was?) Maybe I should craft an alternate blog post, the way he did an alternate "dinner conversation." In the's the "innocent" version.

The other night, I was having trouble sleeping. I got up to retrieve my iPad and send an email to my buddy, because that’s what she and I do when we can’t sleep. As I reached for my tablet, which was turned off (and not just sleeping), there was a flash of light--the size of a lightning bug, but no lightning bugs in the house--at the corner of the cover. Odd, but maybe just tired eyes. I fired up the tablet and found a notification from one of the “nanny cams” in the basement. Dear Husband has them set up to monitor his workshop when he leaves his machines to work without him. At night, in the dark, there absolutely should not be “motion in the basement.” So there I sat, in the dark (because I don’t need to bother DH just because I can’t sleep), debating if I want to know what’s in my basement.

For someone who writes scary stories, you’d expect my imagination to work overtime. I thought about it for about half a second, then called up the video. Let it be said I had watched an episode of Ghost Hunters recently that discussed orbs of light and energy, and all of that, which might have made me suggestible. So why did my thoughts immediately go to the rational explanation?  Not scared. Not concerned. I will say I watched the entire 90 seconds recording looking for a ghostly face to go with the orb. No such luck. (And that's a nightlight on the ceiling, so nothing odd there.)

The next morning over breakfast, I showed the video to DH, who absolutely does NOT believe in ghosts, just to see what his reaction was. His guess? Tinkerbell. 😂😆

What do you think? 


  1. I would definitely say it's a spirit.

    1. Oh, and I figured out what the odd "lightning bug like" flash by my iPad was. However, there was another "motion" in the basement with nothing substantial attached to it! (cue spooky music)
