This past weekend, my one and only favorite son got married! Be prepared for parental gushing.
Proud Momma |
You watch them grow from cuddly little children, to stubborn teenagers, to overwhelmed when they have to step into the "grown-up" world. I'm so darn proud of both my kids for having completed these steps, and they've each taken different roads to get there. Now, as I watch them both in the happily ever after phase of their lives, there's a feeling of melancholy that they're not my kids anymore. Of course they are! but they're all grown up and living their own lives now, and that's how it should be. The bonus is that in addition to having two children, now I get to "adopt" two more -- a strong son-in-law who adores my little girl, and a lovely daughter-in-law who is "amazing." Oh, wait. It doesn't end there! I also have two adorable little "Gs" -- the granddaughters, who are bundles of love. No, I haven't lost my children, my family has grown, and very likely, it will grow some more.
With that being said, I'm not going to embarrass my babies in a public forum, although I would love to do nothing more, by relating all the wonderful memories and joys that come from raising two such capable people. Instead, I'll just tell them both how very much I love them, and how very happy I am that they've found their happily ever afters. No, the story doesn't end here, there will still be conflicts to overcome, just like in the story books, but I'm confident they have found partners who will stand by them and who they will stand by.
Thanks, Terry!