Are you a Halloween ghoul? Or a denier?

In my experience, people seem to go all in, or ignore Halloween completely. During my walks around the neighborhood, I encounter displays of giant spider webs, headstones with clever names (Ivan Churblood), ghosts, witches, and a host of other decorations. Me? I'm lucky if I remember to take out my haunted house candy holder (shout out to my crafty sister who made it for me!) Outside decorations? I'm boring. I don't even put out a pumpkin anymore.

I enjoy the spooky movies - not the slasher flicks, but the ones that rely on your imagination to scare the poop out of you. Which brings my to my newest binge watch -
The Haunting of Hill House on Netflix (thanks, Stephen King, for the recommendation). I was a fan of the original black and white movie (the remake, not so much), and while the series does introduce tangible ghosts (which is less scary), it's an interesting interpretation of the book. Another of my favorite old time scary movies is
The Uninvited.
And then there are the spooky books (insert EPITAPH series plug here - although my ghosts are less scary than the people they haunt). The book that scared me to read was The Amityville Horror. Couldn't have it in the same room with me when I finished (although I was fairly young when I read it). I recently saw a funny Halloween post where someone said their mother-in-law had read the Exorcist and had a similar reaction, threw the book into a lake. The person who posted thought it would be funny to buy another copy, soak it for a day, and put it somewhere her mother-in-law would find it.
The book that wouldn't die!
What are your favorite Halloween traditions? Reading? Decorating? Binge watching? Or nothing at all?
I saw that post, too, although it wasn't a mother-in-law. It must be making the rounds. We don't do anything for Halloween anymore, since we're so rural there are no trick-or-treaters. Houses far apart, gravel roads, no street lights, steep hills. Hubster bought a pumpkin, which has been sitting on the dining room table since he brought it home 2 weeks ago. Eventually, he'll put it outside and the deer will likely eat it.