Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Haunted Vacations

In case you haven't heard 😉 the new book is out. I can't wait to hear what everybody thinks about THE JANE DOE GHOST! With the new baby successfully launched into the world, I'm preparing my next. My editor wants me to keep going with the Elspeth Barclay series - says she's really enjoying them. To that end...

I'm going on a trip to stay at a "haunted" B&B in a couple of weeks' time. We'll see if we can scare up any ghosts to write about. A few years back, The Big Guy and I went to NOLA. Rumor has it that all the hotels in NOLA are haunted, and the one we stayed at was no exception. Did we see any ghosts? (No.) In June, I'm headed to Savannah, which is purported to be the most haunted city in the states. Will we find any ghosts there? Not holding my breath, but it's always fun to hear the stories. 

Everywhere I go, I hear ghost stories, and I keep a journal of what I consider the more interesting ones. Hoping I have plenty of inspiration to draw on for Elspeth to work with. 

Do you have any ghostly experiences/stories to share?


  1. Congratulations on release day. Wishing you many sales. And looking forward to that retreat. I've been to Savannah several times. Never encountered any ghosts. Stayed with a friend in MA who said there was a ghost who liked to come into the guest room and rearrange jewelry. Hubster laid out the earrings I'd brought for her to play with, but nothing.

    1. I’m looking forward to that retreat, too! Thanks for stopping by, Terry
