Wednesday, April 24, 2024


With The Architect completed and out in the world (Audible finally listed it - they're always the last), I'm moving ahead with the last three Epitaph novels in audio. Next up is The Selkie

Once a novel is finished, there usually isn't a reason to revisit it, and I'm generally busy moving forward with the next one, so going back to review the audio files comes with a touch of nostalgia. Where I was in my life when I wrote that book. The things I researched. The tips my sources provided me for authenticity. Sort of like hearing a song from the past that takes you back to certain memories.

Then there's the "moving forward" part. These side trips into audio are forestalling my momentum. I've had enough people asking me for the other Epitaph books in audio that it's worth the time and effort. (Shout out to narrator Karen Frantz for nailing the Irish accent in The Selkie.) Meanwhile, I'm sifting through ghost stories, looking for the right one for Elle to deal with in her next adventure. I've been procrastinating until I've visited the haunted B&B in a couple weeks' time, but I usually have an idea of how the story is going to go, or at least pieces of it. I'm "head writing," which provides me with snippets, but still toying with the big picture. The main ghost. The theme. And I'm feeling BEHIND. Or am I just being lazy?

All in good time. During this quiet time, I've been visiting with family and catching up on all the other things that fall by the wayside when I'm "in the groove." Sometimes it's okay to stop and breathe in the scent of those roses, ya know?

Random moment of free association - who else is in the zone for the cicada-pocalypse? Expecting the invasion in another month's time. I should be firmly planted in front of my computer by that time and out of the flight path aside from my daily forays "out and about." 

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