Wednesday, August 7, 2024

The Home Stretch

For those of you wondering, the next book in the Elspeth Barclay novels is in the home stretch. I'm on schedule to finish on time. The weather has been conducive to sitting inside at my computer, so no distractions - well, at least not of the "what a beautiful day" variety. And if one of those beautiful days should come along in the next week or two, I can write outside. I've straightened out all the "where does this chapter go?" questions (or at least I think so), and its full speed ahead to The End.

With that in mind, I'm keeping this blog post brief in order to focus on finishing.

Because I also have to chase the audio links squirrel, which is making me a little nuts (see what I did there?). Audible is STILL not publishing Jane Doe for reasons undisclosed (the 4-6 weeks expectation has surpassed 8) and The Garden is taking its sweet time hitting some of the outlets, too. With that being said, Jane Doe is everywhere else, and The Garden is popping up - slow but sure. Hope you'll give them a listen!

As for me? Back to work. See you next week.

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