Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Piecing things together

Every book is different.

Sometimes, I know exactly what to write and write in a straight line from start to finish. For that matter, I almost always write in a straight line. That isn’t working for me this time.

I have bits and pieces that I know belong, and notes for what I need to remember to incorporate, but they’re somewhat disjointed. Then, there are the details I don’t know yet.

While brainstorming on retreat, I kept asking the same question. What part in the story does “XX” play? Is “XX” important enough to include? (The answer is yes, according to my editor.) I *think* I’ve figured it out. In every story, I have a tendency to spin my wheels in unimportant details. To coin a phrase, into every life [story] a little rain must fall (and continuing the metaphor) which means getting stuck in the mud. I’m writing the parts of the story I know. I’ll go back to piece it all together later. I like puzzles, after all.

So yes, forward progress is happening, just not in a linear manner. 

The takeaway message: If you think it's writers' block, it's probably too much information struggling to get out. (Does that make it a writers' logjam?) JUST WRITE. It may feel like a mess or nonsense, but you can always sort it out later. 

You can fix words on the page. You can't fix unwritten words.

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