Wednesday, May 29, 2024

More on research and "breadcrumbs"

I've had a ton of distractions during the writing of my current novel. I make some progress, then I have to redirect my attention elsewhere. I was just about to commence with the next stage of research when I got the audio for The Jane Doe Ghost. Pivot. Stop to listen to the files. (Coming soon to an audiobook distributor near you, but the process takes much longer than an e-book or a paperback.)

Meanwhile, I did manage more necessary documentation for the new book (tentatively titled DARK SHADOWS). Like with Horned Owl Hollow, I needed a family tree to keep my players straight. That's the problem with some ghosts, they span generations! Funny thing about the family tree, this is something Elspeth Barclay (the main character in my current series) needs to know, too. Part of her job is research. As I mentioned in last week's blog post, I'm having to piece together this story. I was just about to write a chapter to piece in when the audio files arrived. 

On the plus side, while I was listening to the audio files, I was prompted for other details that need to be addressed in the new book. Each book in a series usually supplies breadcrumbs for what lies in future books, after all. The good news is that I know what's missing. I just need to fill in the details. 

I'm still on my "Discovery Draft" (which is the first draft where you sort of know what's going to happen, to whom, and where). Whether you're a plotter or a pantser, stories often take you places you hadn't planned on going, hence, the "discovery." The benefits of a series are that you have those breadcrumbs you dropped in previous books to help you find your way. So back to the keyboard, picking up those breadcrumbs. 

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Make sure you're subscribed to my newsletter for exclusive content and up to date information about upcoming releases. All those distractions I was talking about?  The Selkie seems stuck in some of the audiobook channels, although it's finding its way to many. The last two books in the Epitaph series are planned to be available in audio by the end of the summer (fingers crossed!). Jane Doe should start showing up soon. As for the next Elspeth Barclay novel? I'll keep you posted. Release day should be late summer/early autumn.

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